Friday, December 19, 2014

A631.9.2.RB - Video Debrief of Team MA

Several attributes stood out in the video that Steve Jobs demonstrated leading the NeXT Team. These corresponded to the results of my MA and debrief. Achievement characteristics include stretch goals including the use of metrics to track progress. Leaders can summarize statistics on new products, customer base, competitors and milestones. For example, Jobs emphasis was on higher education with a simulation focus with a revolutionary impact on the PC market. Though it didn’t find a market, the NeXT "cube" PC had great industrial design and showed an incredible amount of creativity and innovation. Unfortunately, Jobs was very assertive and aggressive (including overinflated ego) which contributed to the downfall of the NeXT plan. Jobs was an entrepreneur (risk taker) both personal and business as he used most of his own financial resources to finance operations at NeXT. Jobs demonstrated a drive for goal setting, a desire for the challenge to his team along with being ambitious. Innovation is the balance of three attributes: problem-solving, process creativity and inventiveness which are essential in a leadership team. On the downside, Jobs need for recognition by the computer industry, business world and public customer base was overinflated with his ego. I scored similar in these MA areas: achievement, risk, innovation and recognition. (Labreque, 2014) And by coincidence, after taking the MBTI assessment a week ago, Steve Jobs is an example including natural born leadership of famous people with ENTJ (Extravert, iNtuitive, Thinking and Judging) personality traits which just happened to be my category too. During the brainstorming session with the NeXT Team, he demonstrated most of the characteristics of ENTJs. ENTJs thrive on challenges, possibilities, opportunities, challenges and want to be the ones driving and leading the path. They are "take charge" people. ENTJs have an incredible amount of personal power along with being domineering, forceful and decisive. ENTJs have little if any patience especially with inefficiencies. Other attributes include: self-confidence, assertive, creative, innovative, strategic thinkers, dominant personalities, a natural tendency to marshall and direct, are often "larger than life" in describing their projects, ideas and proposals (story-telling etc), are decisive and are not the one to be messed with. (The Myers-Briggs Foundation, 2014) (HumanMetrics, 2014) References Steve Jobs Brainstorms with NeXT Team: Entrepreneurs (2012). [On-Line] Available HumanMetrics (2014). [On-Line] Available The Myers-Briggs Foundation (2014). [On-Line] Available Labreque, Tom (2014). Management Assessment Profile (Candidate: Gregory Rutbell). Alexandria, Virginia: NextSteps Research.

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