Sunday, December 14, 2014

A631.8.4.RB - Reflective Analysis

I completed the Humanmetrics Jung Typology Test TM on Sunday, December 14, 2014. My personality type according to Jung's and Briggs Myer's is ENTJ: Extravert (11%), iNtuitive (50%), Thinking (50%) and Judging (33%). Based on the results, I have: slight preference of Extraversion over Introversion, moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing, moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling and moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving. ENTJs: have a natural tendency to marshall and direct, are often "larger than life" in describing their projects, ideas and proposals (story-telling etc), are decisive and are not the one to be trifled with. (HumanMetrics, 2014) ENTJs are natural born leaders. They live in a world of numerous possibilities and challenges and want to be the ones responsible and leading the way. They have a drive and passion for leadership to grasp the details, tasks and develop a plan. They can absorb an incredible amount of information and can make quick and decisive judgments based on this. They are "take charge" people. ENTJs have a tremendous amount of personal power and are very forceful, decisive individuals. ENTJs do not like mistakes and have little patience with inefficiency. ENTJs are career-focused and fit into the corporate world naturally. ENTJs love to interact with people and as extroverts are energized and stimulated primarily externally. Other qualities include: self-confidence, assertive, creative, innovative, strategic thinkers and dominant personalities. (The Myers-Briggs Foundation, 2014) Who are some examples including leadership of famous people with ENTJ personality traits? Adolph Hitler, Bill Gates, Carl Sagan, Donald Trump, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Harrison Ford, Jack Welch, Joseph Stalin, Julius Caesar, Margaret Thatcher, Oskar Schindler, Richard Nixon, Sean Connery, Warren Buffet and Winston Churchill. These are examples of political, business management and entertainment. It is important to emphasize that several of these examples demonstrated leadership of the wrong kind (Hitler and Stalin). (The Myers-Briggs Foundation, 2014) How can MBTI be useful to develop leadership capacity and capability? The MBTI is unique and different from other psychological and personality instruments tests. It sorts for preferences and does not measure traits, knowledge, skills, abilities or character. For example, it can identify critical leadership skills and improvement opportunities including: conceptual, critical thinking, research, creativity, reflection and experience. The best reason to choose MBTI and discover know yourself is that research and hundreds of studies over the last 40 years have proven MBTI to be both valid and reliable. In other words, it measures what it says it does (valid) and produces the same results when given several times (reliable).Develop a plan from MBTI results with the help of a mentor coach. (Quenk, 2009) References HumanMetrics (2014). [On-Line] Available Quenk, Naomi L. (2009). Essentials of Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Assessment (2nd ed.). Hoboken New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. The Myers-Briggs Foundation (2014). [On-Line] Available

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