Saturday, November 1, 2014

A631.2.5.RB - Cooperation and Competition

Once you have completed and turned in A631.2.4.LT, consider the process that you and your team went through in completing the Learning Team Charter. In a well-written reflection blog, answer the following questions: 1. What behaviors seemed to help your team successfully complete its task? Team 4 submitted and reviewed introductions for each team member for team formation. There was a high level of energy from members demonstrating behaviors including: initiative, perseverance, responsibility, accountability, participation, commitment and trust. The team did not struggle in any areas due to these demonstrated behaviors, e.g., we did not use finger pointing, blaming one another, skepticism etc. Ideas and information were shared freely and openly and learning to ask for help in an open communication forum, assistance and clarification became a norm. We demonstrated proactive and not reactive behaviors. 2. What factors inhibited decision-making or problem-solving? The biggest factor was lack of in person and face to face communication. If there were urgent issues and matters, telephone numbers were provided for more direct communication. Other factors were we did not know each other work and schedules which added to the wait and queue time for responses. There was very little conflict if any among team members and issues. 3. How much time was spent on decision-making and problem-solving? Consensus decision making was used for the schedule and assignments. There was minimal wait and queue time once a question issue was submitted on the discussion board and was usually within 24 hours. Other factors were we did not know each other work and schedules which added to the wait and queue time for responses. The rapid decision making process we used enabled us to complete and submit a high quality deliverable ahead of schedule. 4. How was information shared among team members? Differences between team members were value added. Ideas and information were shared freely and openly and learning to ask for help, assistance and clarification became a norm. If there were questions or issues on a posting, follow-up questions and answers clarifications were submitted and with appropriate responses inputs by the responsible party in a timely fashion. Team members gave and requested feedback. Diversity among members added to the quality of the charter deliverable. 5. How did issues of authority or power affect the team? Team 4 identified roles and responsibilities including team leader/facilitator and team members for the assignment. There was a volunteer for team leader/facilitator who posted a preliminary schedule with assignments. All team members provided feedback concurrence and provided feedback on anything that could be improved. We also reviewed sharing the team leader/facilitator role of the different assignments over the term to share responsibility, accountability and authority. The team leader/facilitator roles responsibilities include: assignments, schedule, rough drafts, and the final deliverable. The team leader/facilitator also provided several examples and alternatives to an issue to reduce wait and queue decision making time. 6. How did collaboration and competition influence the outcome? Team 4 demonstrated collaboration, "Working Together" and "synergy" on the assignment. Most of the communication within our team is nonverbal. We understood a shared vision so we didn't need spoken language to communicate. Our team developed a language of our own known as guiding operating principles which was part of our ultimate success. 7. Did team members make process interventions? Yes, if there was a better and improved way to do or state something, everyone was free to speak out. This is based on continuous improvement that if there is a better way to do something, then do it! For example, if someone had an additional input to an idea, then it was posted for team review for consensus decision making. References Brown, Donald R. (2011). An Experiential Approach to Organization Development (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc.

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