Saturday, October 25, 2014

A631.1.5.RB - EcoSeagate

In a well written blog, reflect on the following questions: 1. Do you see value in the EcoSeagate team development process? 2. Why would something like this be necessary in a high-performing organization? 3. Could your organization benefit from a similar activity? Seagate Technology is a US designer and manufacturer of hard disk drives (HDD) for data storage and was incorporated in 1978 as Shugart Technology. Seagate is incorporated in Dublin, Ireland and has its main executive office in Cupertino, California. Seagate has approximately 60,000 employees and revenues of $15 billion. The company website is It is a public company traded on NASDAQ. Founders include: Alan Shugart, Tom Mitchell, Doug Mahon, Finis Conner and Syed Ifikar. Stephen J. Luczo is Chairman and CEO. Seagate is known for developing the first 5.25 HDD in 1980 and was a dominant supplier in the microcomputer market in the 1980's. Acquisitions include: Control Data Corporation's Imprimis division (Wren product line), Maxor and Samsung HDD business. In 2013, Seagate had produced two billion HDDs. (Seagate, 2014) To develop teaming, teamwork and leadership skills, Seagate selects several hundred employees every year and brings them to New Zealand for a week to enhance and build on their existing physical and mental limits of performance. This yearly process is called "Eco Seagate". Before starting, the employees are broken into small teams and do not know each other. Many speak different languages too. Each team was expected to finish all activities known as the "Eco Challenge". Teaming activities include walking, running, biking, kayaking, mountain climbing etc. in mountainous terrain, flat land, rivers, lakes etc. What is the goal and purpose of doing this? Seagate wants to develop team leaders and bring skills back to the workplace for self-directed and high performance teams instead of just an informal work group. This includes purpose, goals, bonding, problem-solving, passion, commitment, attitude, morale, mutual trust, respect and understanding relationship within the team too. It also includes operating guiding norms and standards for a team based culture. Culture includes values, beliefs, norms and attitudes. (Seagate, 2014) (Eco Seagate 1/3, 2008) (Eco Seagate 2/3, 2008) Unfortunately, as stated in the case study, there are no metrics, measurements or results from this process. How do we know if it is working or not? Value added or non-value added? The answer is we do not know. There is no facts or data to support this. Potential metrics measurements could include: productivity, quality, cost, safety and attitude morale. (Brown, 2011) I see potential value in the process, however, I think there are some missing things. The value in the process is that leadership skills are developed along with self-esteem and self-actualization. First, what is the classroom instruction, preparation and learning prior to the event? You don't just "jump in" and say here I am and start. You have to know what and why you are doing something. Second, what is the follow-up process including metrics measurements to ensure the "Eco Seagate" process is working? Boeing uses a process similar to this at the Leadership Center in St Louis for leadership, management and process programs. It is a blending of classroom theory and hands on applications in a team environment. Activities include: hiking, basketball, volleyball etc. And there are follow-up metrics measurements to ensure the process is working. References Brown, Donald R. (2011). An Experiential Approach to Organization Development (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Education, Inc. Eco Seagate 1/3 (2008). [On-Line] Available Eco Seagate 2/3 (2008). [On-Line] Available Seagate (2014). [On-Line] Available

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