Saturday, January 24, 2015

A630.2.4.RB - 21st Century Enlightenment

Why do I think the talk is titled 21st Century Enlightenment? RSA has a new initiative: 21sr century enlightenment. This is in recognition and appreciation to the eighteenth century founders of the society and to the pioneering spirit and passion which inspired them. It is also a tribute to Copernicus, Galileo and Newton for their research and contribution to society: astronomy, physics, science, social science and philosophy. It is a testimony to the role and responsibility RSA has played more than 250 years ago believing that the best days are yet to come. At the center of research and debates is the question "can we go on like this?" Will the ideas, norms, and values which have transformed the world in the last several centuries be the foundation and standard for solutions we now have globally or do we need a new ways of thinking? The focus will be on the core principles of autonomy, universalism and humanism by exploring and understanding dimensions and new ways to implement these principles. What does Matthew Taylor mean when he says "to live differently, you have to think differently"? We need to live differently in the 21st century. Living differently requires us to think differently. It involves seeing the world and ourselves from a new perspective. Most of our behavior is the result of responding to the world around us instead of reflection and critical thinking with decision making. Paradigms also known as mental models and ways of thinking need to be identified and addressed. The easy part is new ideas, however, the hard part is removing the old the paradigms. We need to have an open and positive attitude to change, new ideas, opportunities and approaches. Reengineering, starting new with a clean sheet of paper for ideas and approaches can be used too. At one point in the video (4:10), Taylor argues that we need "to resist our tendencies to make right or true that which is merely familiar and wrong or false that which is only strange". What is he talking about? What is an example within my company or life that supports this point? Taylor argues that our society should eschew elements of pop culture that degrade people and that we should spend more time looking into what develops empathetic citizens. Would this be possible? There are signposts, trends and practices which indicate alignment to twenty-first century enlightenment: 1. emphasis toward early years in a child's life when their personality along with capacity for empathy is developed 2. developed societies are taking mental health as important 3. additional human motivation and behavior academic research including neuroscience, economics, anthropology and sociology to better understand human nature 4. big business "entrepreneurism" focus shifting to include "social businesses" with a commitment to social purpose 5. there is a greater emphasis and focus on religion faiths fostering inter-faith dialogue and creating a space to respectfully talk about this to develop collaborative humanitarian projects 6. increase in recreation activities (along with eating habits) and reducing times spent in front of television, big screens and being a coach potato 7. within governments and global institutions there is a shift toward policies with well-being in addition to standard models for economic growth. At the end of the video, Taylor talks about atomizing people from collaborative environments and the destructive effect on their growth. What is the implication of these comments for organizational change efforts? Creative people who want to make changes and differences along with being people of impact have a million and one opportunities and distractions. To engage them means a culture and ethic which does not accept negativity, rigid thinking and self-promotion. :Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed employees and citizens can change the world. It is the only thing that ever has." What can you take away from this exercise to immediately use in your career? I can ask and answer the question "what is progress?". I have an open attitude and mind to new ideas and perspectives. For example, focus on health and emotional intelligence (EI) well being including diet, exercise, sleep and medical dental check-ups. In addition, Boeing sponsors "Boeing On The Move" with similar focus. Turn off the television and do it! In addition, a better understanding of peoples cultural diversity (background, experience, beliefs, values etc). In addition, Boeing and several of my former employers (Lockheed Martin and GE) have "partnerships" including design, manufacturing and technology transfer agreements programs to countries including Russia, China, Japan, South Korea etc to build and develop "win-win" economic, education, political, research and development changes. Pursuing progress is the same as improving human welfare. And President JFK challenging Americans in his inaugural address speech "ask not what your country can do for you but what you can do for your country." References RSA Animate - 21st Century Enlightenment (2010). [On-Line] Available

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