Saturday, September 20, 2014

A633.6.5.RB - Circle of Leadership

Considering all of readings in this module and the learning exercises regarding upward and downward leadership; reflect on the diagram (figure 9.5; p.152) "the vicious circle for leaders". Does this happen in your organization? What are the effects on the organization? Create a new circle that would promote strong followership and even leadership at the lower levels of the organization. A leader's actions including listening with feedback will determine at some level the follower maturity level. There are additional strategies to move followers from Level 1 to Level 5: be proactive and not reactive, promoting initiative, perseverance and action on the followers part, closed-loop communication between the leader and follower with active dialogue and participation and problem-solving which could identify additional areas such as training and cross-training for the follower. The important concept for the leader is to start the follower where the observed behavior is and use this for all followers. Mature incrementally step by step through Level 5. This enhances knowledge, skills and abilities and builds self-confidence so the follower believes in himself/herself. And this takes time and patience on both leader and follower. Some followers learn and apply knowledge faster than others. Everyone is different. The opposite side of all this is the follower's actions and behavior will identify the type of leadership approach that should be used. For example, if a follower continually coordinates with the leader the he/she lacks self-confidence and will probably need additional training and hands-on approach. The follower's actions and behavior drives this and results in a vicious cycle of leadership. (Obolensky, 2010) This happens some at Boeing, however, there are standard processes in place to avoid this including: skills matrix, skills training and competencies and proficiency levels, cross-training, and team leaders to provide direction. There is lots of training including hand-on available too. In addition, supervisors and managers receive training from DDI (Development Dimensions International) on leadership models and situational leadership similar Level 5. What are some of the results of the vicious cycle of leadership? The big hitters include: productivity, quality and teaming. I would use a new circle that would promote strong followership and even leadership at the lower levels of the organization. This model was originally developed by Benjamin Franklin and is very basic and simple and best of all it works! It promotes engagement, empowerment and ownership for the follower and leadership on the leader's part as far as providing resources and coaching. and it requires both to be proactive. It' s called employee involvement and organizational learning which enable business results. (Franklin, 2014) References Franklin, Benjamin (2014). [On-Line] Available Obolensky, Nick (2010). Complex Adaptive Leadership: Embracing Paradox and Uncertainty. Farnham (Surrey), England: Gower Publishing Limited.

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