Wednesday, October 9, 2013

A500.9.4.RB_RutbellGreg - Blog - Course Reflections


Course Reflections Summary    


Gregory Rutbell           


9 October 2013         


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Worldwide Campus       












My perceived value of this course has been outstanding. I have received a detailed overview of critical thinking including research methods and processes and will be able to use this as a foundation for success in the remaining courses and also in my professional career. I have also acquired several additional reference books for reference purposes for future courses, projects at work and refresher training. I have also enhanced my time management and scheduling skills to balance my time at work, ERAU coursework and personal social life. The summary of themes that I have honed by skills on include:         

·         Leadership      

·         Critical Thinking

·         SEE-I

·         Concept (Mind) Mapping

·         TheBrain 7 software

·         The Hunt Library

·         Literature Review

·         APA

·         Action Research

·         Qualitative Research

·         Quantitative Research

·         ePortfolio

·         Presentation Design     

All the themes were applicable and relevant to my experiences and what I expect in future courses. If I had to select the most important skill that I have discovered it is servant leadership (including community service and corporate citizenship) because leadership is important for my personal and professional success along with society and making the world a better place. Instructor feedback and support has been good too. 

I have three suggestions for improvement:

 1. create a website for the different multimedia technologies and software that are available for graduate students and graduate level coursework. This would include "how to" use them, tutorials, examples, and student guides (PDF format). I am not familiar enough with these to know how to create presentations in them. This could enhance student learner and presentation content quality.

 2. break the class into several teams and have a team project one deliverable presentation for each team due at the end of the course and have the team members grade each other. This activity would build teamwork and collaboration.

 3. provide a listing of recommended reference materials (books, etc) that students learners could purchase on their own in addition to the required course materials.        


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